You could also enable and disable which sounds you prefer, but some people need silence.Ītlantis did have some things that I thought were extremely useful. So I decided that the sounds were not to my personal liking. It felt as though I was completely overwhelmed and lost focus with so many things going on at once. I was soon fed up with all the sound effects. I went on writing and pretty soon I was snapped out of my enamored daydream by all the commotion. Woops, my caps lock was accidentally hit. I had a little Hemmingway moment all to myself, but it was soon interrupted by a honk. It made me feel like a famous writer of olden days. I can't deny that I enjoyed the sound of the typewriter's keys hitting the smooth surface of the blank paper. In fact, it made so many sounds, I soon didn't know what was happening around me. A word processor that included sounds as you interacted with it. I was taken back when I started using Atlantis. If you don't know the hotkeys, this is a great time saver. Your main window dominates the center and the right part of the screen while the left window pane has some shortcuts that aid your writing. The main interface is split into 2 main parts.

I thought that for a complete and accurate review, I'd need to immerse myself completely and even use it for writing my review.

I honestly didn't know what to think when I started using this product. Let's see how it does in our word processing review. Atlantis is the new challenger to the throne. You're not going to type anything out in notepad anymore when MS Word has so many options. It seems as though Microsoft Word has recently dominated the word processing market for these past few years with Microsoft Word and other similar packages.

No, it's not the lost underwater city, it's Atlantis, the word processor. Is it that place in the past with the people underwater?